With the General Data Protection Regulation making it’s way, a lot of companies need to append changes. Fortunately, consumers aren’t really likely to notice these changes. However, with all the media coverage about data and privacy, certain questions arise. Especially about our Dynamic map. We created this blogpost to answers them for you.
What are the sources for the map data?
Maps4News uses multiple data sources such as HERE, OpenStreetMap, Andes and Natural Earth. We strive to offer our users the most comprehensive and accurate data coverage.
Where is the location of your server?
The location of our server is in Ireland. When you export a Dynamic Map, you get access to the iframe and a link. The iframe is the code you need to put the map on your website and the link is a link to the map. We always host the background map for you. If we wouldn’t do this, exporting a Dynamic map would take hours. Of course, the data behind the map is yours and will always be yours.
Who is the server storage provider?
Our server storage provider is AWS – Amazon Web Service. If you want to know more about their security policy, we recommend you check out their website.
Still concerned about the security of the Dynamic Map?
If you are still concerned about the security of the Dynamic Map, we could provide an extra security measure. The map will still be stored on our server but all the data that you place on top of your map can be downloaded on your end and won’t be available anywhere else. That would require a piece of extra HTML and Java script code that we can provide to you.
Still some questions?
If you are still in doubt about anything, please contact us! Our Support Team will be happy to answer each and any of your questions. Also, take a look at our FAQ about the Dynamic Map